What’s a Superbill? How I work with Insurance

Here it comes to save the day! it’s SUPERBILL! It’s not nearly as cool as it sounds, or expensive. A superbill is simply a combination of several invoices of sessions offered, with the necessary diagnostic codes and medical jargon needed for insurance to process a claim.

How does this help you?

While I am out-of-network with insurance providers. (more on why here), I do provide a superbill. What this enables you to do is go to your insurance provider and submit the necessary documentation to have some of the cost of your therapy covered by insurance. Depending on your coverage, you may be able to get a portion of your out of pocket costs for therapy with me covered by your insurance. Think of it like a mail in rebate. You pay for therapy upfront with me, and with the documentation I give you combined with the documentation your insurance requires, you’ll get some money back!

Things to keep in mind -

  • Double check your coverage - easiest way to do this is to call the number on your insurance card and ask “What are my out of network benefits for mental health therapy?”

  • Reimbursement can take time - like in most bureaucratic systems, processing payments can take time. Plan on 6-8 weeks in my experience.

  • Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself - have you asked your insurance if they’d cover some or part of your therapy? There are cases where they may authorize reimbursement based on an appeal, and the worse they can say is no.

I hope this can be helpful for you as you look to use insurance for your therapy.


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